Pioneers of
the new
Our unique combination of technology, healthcare, and business experts with a passion for innovation, enable us as Pioneers of the New Healthcare, in close cooperation with our customers to create sustainable services and solutions for the healthcare system of the future.
Our offer
Solgenium is a reliable partner providing innovative solutions to the challenges in healthcare. We have a track record of successful commercial projects and research activities, providing a wide range of product and service offerings.
We focus on data driven solutions and technologies for the health care domain, with a strong emphasis on research and development.
Data Management
Strategy Development
Digital Transformation
Change Management
Medical Informatics
Nursing Informatics
Health Workforce Planning
Our Team
Our interdisciplinary and international team of healthcare, software and biomedical engineering and data science experts is at the core of our success.
The combination of highly specialized knowledge and experience of many years in both research as well as practice and the close cooperation with our customers , enables us to be Pioneers of the New Healthcare.
Health workforce planning is concerned with ensuring that the right number of people, with the right skills, are at the right place at the right time to deliver the right services to those in need of them!
EU Initiative Health Worforce Planning
Our customers